Happy 4th to everyone. I hope you are all out enjoying your day with your families and BBQ'in!We are relaxing here at home before we head out to a BBQ with our good friends Will and Dominique. We'll be enjoying Will's expert BBQ'in and a great view of the fireworks show in Marina Del Rey. It's Lily's first 4th and of course mommy got her a cute outfit to wear. I even found a really cute pait of baby flip flops at Target, too cute! Now if she only would have smiled for mommy it would have been picture perfect. Her 1st birthday is fast approaching and she really is getting more independant. She likes to feed herself off our plates and snack her stars and wagon wheels. She has 7 teeth now and I think # 8 is coming since last night she kept us up from 2-4am. She wasn't cranky, she just wanted to play...
As for scrapping, I have been pretty busy this week. I got my add-on kit ordered from Bad Girls and can't wait to play with it. They usually ship between the 10th and 15th and since I already subscribe to the monthly kits, I am really going to have lots and lots of goodies to enjoy.
This week I completed a layout for June's Apron Challenge. Apron challenge? What's that? (you say) It's a great contest Wendy has in Bad Girls where the winner gets a Bad Girls Swarovski embellished Apron to scrap it up in. I would just DIE to get one :)
This layout is very personal to me because I became overweight at the age of 20 when I had a terrible relationship that was abusive mentally and physically. I never had a weight issue and before we met I weighed a healthy 135. I had so much self confidence at that age but I had just moved to the city with him where I had no friends or family. Unfortunately I learned alot of life lessons fast. After gaining weight from being unhappy and dealing with the stress of his abuse and cheating I finally broke free from him and moved on but the weight stayed with me. Over the years I have yo-yo'd with my weight and diets and never really had the courage or determination to conquer my biggest personal issue with my weight. With the love of my husband and his constant support and encouragement and help in facing my life issues head on and taking control, I had an Ah Ha moment so to speak at the end of May. I realized that the young girl I once was is no longer who I am today. I finally see that I am in control of me and no one else. I was ready to take Shemaine back from Dana (the ex) and be happy in everything I do. So I started walking and going to the gym, eating healthier and I joined a weight loss support group on my favorite mom site Cafe Mom. Well I've lost 16 pounds so far and for the first time in my life I see the goal I have for myself in front of me and know it's totally within my reach. I wanted to scrap this feeling and this time of self discovery and motivation as my submission to the challenge. So here it is...

A close up of the dragon fly I made from cut out images on cardstock
Here I used paint by Making Memories and painted on a paper towel and cut it 8x8 to use as cardstock. On the left side of the layout I painted a piece of paper towel and wrapped it around an acrylic block and stamped on the cardstock using the design of the paper towel. I also used the paint to ink the outter edges of the cardstock and the chipboard.
I am pleased with the funkyness of the layout and chose to black and white the photos for contrast. I had alot of fun with this.