Ohhhh I have never been more excited for a Monday!
Monday, June 30, 2008
So I was turned onto the Bad Girls site thru my friend Danielle and I am hooked! Tonight at 10 pm the new kits are revealed and the add-ons are avail for purchase!!!! I save my commissions from CTMH for this since last month they all sold out very quickly. Also tmr begins the 1 year birthday party. If you haven't already, check this site out and join in the fun. There are free classes and all kinds of great stuff happening here!
I have officially finished my chores and it's time to scrap! I have to admit I am a little bummed I lost the card challenge in CMM's. I really loved that card and hate to part with it but alas I know the winner will enjoy it as much as I would.
And on another note I am pleased to share that due to this month's Stampaganza my sales were over 2000.00!!!!! Yay for me!!!!!!!!! I am pleased to have so many great customers and friends with CTMH.
I finished my waterfall card for the card technique swap in Advanced swaps non-stop on Cafe Mom, my first ever of this technique and it turned out pretty good!
I also finished up my Just Enough Swap in the same group and chose the embellished paper
clip this time. I hadn't tryed these before but they seemed relatively easy which they were. The theme was 4th of July and this is what I came up with using our July word puzzle stamp and my Cricut.
I used the Penguin Dude and some cardstock sent to me by a gal in CMM's to create this adorable card. I sure love that glue pen and Sugar Coating by Doodlebug Designs.
Have a scrappy day!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
You know every so often I get a burst of scrapping energy and burn the candle at both ends. Tonight was one of those nights and I know I am going to pay for it tmr but it's been soo worth it. I finished my first Bad Girl submission for the Malibu Pop Shop sketch contest. I loooove this sugar coating by doodle bug designs, have I mentioned that? LOL
So here is my first submission. I used to glitter on the birds and cut them out and used liquid glass on the pink flowers. I took the green peice of cardstock and used navy colorbox ink to ink the entire thing and then crinkled the paper to give it the worn look. I used blue bling in the trees and white sugar coating on the chipboard and then inked it blue. The title reads My Big Brother and above the right corner says loving, protective, funny, special.
This second layout I also used sugar coating on the leaves of the flowers in the cardstock and cut it out. You'll see this pic is familiar, it's my new technique I tryed on the black and white photo with a glue pen and sugar coating as posted earlier. This is my submission for the DDD#17 over at Bad Girls. I painted the bare chipboard (another fav technique right now) and then used liquid glass. It says Lily 11 months at the botom right corner.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Friends I have such great news to share, my DH had his oral interview this morning with the Los Angeles City Fire Dept and made it thru to the background check! When he called me I started screaming on the phone. All that planning and memorizing his opening statement and visiting Fire Depts and taking the EMT course at UCLA paid off today. He was so confident and elated when he called to say he's made it and I couldn't help but feeling like the proudest wife in Los Angeles!
We went out to lunch to celebrate with his mom at Islands in Manhatten Beach. It was a nice time with the family and he of course crashed in his power chair (a.k.a. the lazy boy) from mental exhaustion. I am so happy for him, this really is a wonderful acheivement.

I also have been working on some projects for some challenges on a site called Bad Girls (check it out, you'll be addicted like me. http://www.badgirlskits.com/ I am pretty pleased with how they are coming along tho I am not quite ready to reveal my masterpeices yet... I did come across an awesome technique I'd like to share with you all tho. One of the challenges is to take a black and white photo and add a touch of color. Now I can not afford the photoshop program that does that so me being me, I thought outside
of the box and with a glue pen and a little sugar coating by doodle bug designs, Voila!!!
Here's a tighter shot so you can see better. Now I just need to create the layout to go with the awsome pic.
This week's card challenge in CMM's was a fun one too. I had won the challenge a few weeks ago and one of the gals sent me a few scraps of beautiful printed cardstock. I took a liking to the green and here is my submission for this week. I stamped the image on vellem paper and then used holographic embossing powder. The paper was double sided so I used the other side and window charms from CTMH to make the center of the flowers. I also added a bit of the velvet in a cream color that was scraps in the left corner and some glittery yellow chipboard and lots of bling baby!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Wow I can hardly believe that it's the end of June. Where has the time gone? Although it is just the beginning of the summer, this year is already half over.
As you can see in this picture my daughter loves to play at my feet while I scrap in my supplies. Maybe it's a sign of a future scrapper? She gets the embellies and shakes them and has to put everything in her mouth...lol
I can hardly believe that she's turning 1 less than a month from now. I am planning a family Princess party for her at Del Rey Park in Playa Del Rey. I am going to order her a very special princess cake and make sure there is lots of pink. Iam trying to convince dad to let her have her own mini cake to get into and have fun. I am sure I can persuade him by diggin out my old photo albums of Scott eating his 1st birthday cake.
So what I most recently worked on was a card using my Cuttlebug to emboss the scraps of transfer paper and it tur
ned out great! Here's the finished product!

I also used some felt border that I cut the
dragonfly out of. The Paper is CTMH's Silhouette collection and a Big Pinks flower.
I picked up some great glitter from Sonja's and some graduation papers so I guess my next project should be Scott's Graduation pics. I want to scrap tonight but I am so busy with wrapping up my CTMH orders from my gathering last Friday and yesterday. I am close to a 1000.00 in sales between the both parties and I still have a book party open til the 27th. My mom called today and mentioned placing an order again as well. It's such a great deal buy 2 and get one free. I even ordered a few that I have had my eye on to play with. I love it when the order comes to my home and the UPS man knocks at my door to let me know it's arrived. Boy, will he have his work cut out for him this month. I am really excited to get this month's Stamp Of the Month. It looks like such a great stamp! I am sure I will be staying up late when that order arrives.
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Today my son Graduated from 5th grade at Loyola Village Elementary. It was a nice Culmination ceremony and at the end the students sang You Raised Me Up and presented their mothers with roses. It was so sweet and touching. I can hardly believe my little man is growing up and going to the 6th grade. I am very pleased with Scott's grades this year, the best yet!
My monthly workshop metts here tomorrow night and I am very excited to be having a special guest. Christina (the owner of Scrapping with Friends) is visiting Los Angeles from Washington State this summer and is attending my workshop. I am really looking forward to meeting this special gal. Just after I had Lily I saw an ad for Cafe Mom after checking my Yahoo email. I checked it out and her group Scrapping With Friends, was the first one I signed up for. I loved the QPMU (quick pick me up) challenges. They really helped me get my scrapping going again. When Lily was sleeping I would scrap and it really helped relieve the stress of being a new mom with a newborn baby and all the crazyness those first few weeks bring. I always tell people that SWF saved me from the baby blues!
I am really excited to have won the card challenge in Card Makin Mama's last week with this card. The technique was a really fun and original card challenge. I got my first card today from one of the gals that competed. Such an awsome prize! Win the challenge and get all the cards submitted for the challenge as your prize.All the ladies in this group are very talented ladies! I especially love the group owner Cass, another creative and classy Cafe Mom!

So I chose the challenge for this week and for me it was a challenge as well...stamping on transfer paper and creating a card. This look is definately the ultimate in classy cards. Perfect for weddings and anniversaries~! Thanks to the awsome site Spiltcoaststampers for posting such creative and cutting edge tutorials!

So I am gonna head to the store to pick up some ice cream and toothpicks to create my own cup cake graduate decor, I was shocked there were no cup cake decorations for graduations. Not to worry, anyone that knows me knows I can always make my own... Oh and anyone else celebrating a Graduation, Congratulations Graduate!!!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
So I was heading out to buy a cake platter for my daughter's first birthday next month and I got a call I didn't recognize on my cell phone. A sweet lady said "Is this Scraptastic?" For a minute I was like...huh? Then it hit me and I said "Yes it is" She went on to tell me she was looking for someone to make a scrapbook with her pictures and papers for a friend's 60th birthday. I had totally forgot that Mat had taken out an Ad for my Scrapbooking biz. It took some time to get up and running but it's now official, you can fine me on Yellowbook.com.
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Am I nuts or what, I have like 5 projects on my scrap table right now! I always do this, I start one then get side tracked by another and another and another...LOL It's never ending. I have a workshop next Fri the 20th that I haven't even designed yet. I am not that worried since I've designed the workshops the day before say... a dozen times.
I am really pleased with my Cafe Mom group Scraptastic! We have an awsome group of fun and talented ladies that love to learn new techniques. Here's the layout we are doing. It's made with the Boom Di Ada Level 1 kit and assorted embellies and stamped images.
Monday, June 9, 2008

Lily is waking earlier and earlier. This time it was 6 am. No sleeping in for mommy and when I am a night owl it really makes it had to get up. Thank goodness for coffee and Coconut creamer! I finished a 6x6 Accordian graduation Album for my ETSY store last night. http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5799604 I really need to get some books made and posted they are such fun and unique ways to preserve your memories. It's hard being home all day every day. After awhile you kinda just sit around and the hours just go by. I know there is laundry to be done, dishes in the sink and bathrooms to be cleaned but I rebel against the thought of it somedays and just SCRAP! I have never been fond of lists but I think I better start making a daily list for myself so I can get some things accomplished.
I finally got a suignature created for my Cafe Mom account. I wanted to showcase the groups I am in and promote my own Scraptastic group. What do you think?
Here's also the slideshow for my Graduation Book

Saturday, June 7, 2008
I started a blog! Wow this should be fun. Now I can show off all my creative projects and let friends and family know what's up in the Smith home. Last night I worked on a few cards with the Boom di Ada papers and and Page Map layout for Scraptastic. I like how they turned out. I really love Becky Flecks Page Maps site as a good place for inspiration. I wrote to her and asked if I could be a newsletter contributer and I got a response back in a day!
Hi Shemaine,
Thank you for your email and the link to your gallery – your work is great! The way the contributor’s list works each month is that I randomly draw ten names for the monthly set of PageMaps, as well as additional names for the bonus set of maps (for instance, June’s bonus is a set of CardMaps). When your turn comes up, I’ll send you an email with more information.
I am so excited! I'll be sure to let everyone know when I am picked!!! So that's it for today really. Gonna scrap today!!
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