Thank you all SO much for all the birthday wishes! I had a really great day with my family and got to go out on a date with my husband which is rare so we really enjoyed the evening! i couldn't believe all the activity on my F
acebook account and my super talented friend Kelly posted a little shout out for me on the Hero Arts
Flickr group.
I have made some amazing friends thru blogging and challenge groups that I am really thankful for. I am humbled by your amazing praises for my work and creations. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for every comment left on my blog and artwork.
I normally don't read my Horoscope except on my actual birthday so here's yesterdays message
"Your Optimism is mostly founded in fact this year, and when it isn't, you believe anyway and it comes true."
Hmmm that's a pretty huge affirmation for me because lately I have been putting myself out there only to fail in some things that mean a great deal to me but I take the failure with a grain of salt and not a blow to my self esteem or beliefs in my abilitites. I leave the experience with a smile and move on knowing that the rewards I seek will come and eventually with greater meaning. It's wonderful to know I am on the correct path with my attitude :)
then it goes onto say "your good deeds in April will change a life in April. Wow...I am excited to see what unfolds with that one.
"Higher learning allows you to go for a new position before the end of the summer." I am really happy to hear this since I have been debating returning to school for a Graphic Arts degree.
and finally "romantic notions lead you to showcase your talent in September and November, Pisces and Taurus adore you"
Well all in all sounds like good stuff. I am jazzed up about this year and enjoying the last of my 30's. I'm not even phased about being 40 next year, I have a long life full of love and family ahead of me and for that I am deeply thankful.
I scrapped up this layout for Hero Arts spring challenge, I used the stamp I got from them in a recent order to create my own pattern on the yellow card stock and embellish the layout at the top. I also played with my gel pens my mom gave me in my scrappy birthday loot. Thanks for stopping by!

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you had a great Monday! And a special Happy Birthday to my SIL Melissa who's 38 today! Happy Birthday Sissy! Thanks so much for all you do for us, we love you!