Well, my 40th birthday is drawing closer now {Monday} and we started celebrating this weekend with a family lunch at Good Stuff in El Segundo. My sister in law's birthday is also the day after my birthday {figures she gets free cone day on her birthday and free pastries from Starbucks the 23rd} and not to mention she is still 30 something...and my mother in laws birthday is April 5th. So lots of Aries women in this family. It's amazing we all get along ha ha...
First off a nice cold Diet Coke...
Then my favorite a Teriyaki Turkey Burger that was delicious!
Since I started the 30/30 challenge Mat and I both vowed to make a change in our eating habits and walk for at least 30 mins a day. It's Day 6 and we are doing great so far. I felt good about eating healthy today. We did have the sweet potato fries for an appetizer and I was temped to order more with my meal but I settled on the fruit which was really yummy.

And of course a celebratory family photo op. Scott is at that age where he scowls a lot. Anyone one have one of these too?

And here's Mat's Mom {aka Mombo} and my nephew Gavin.

When we were walking back to the car I thought this wall would be great for some photos of Scott. I played around with them in Picnik.

I like this one the best

And then when we all came back to the house I took a few pics of my nephew for my sister in law. I love those freckles!
So far this birthday is shaping up to be not as bad as I was dreading it to be. Mat and I are going away at the end of the week to Las Vegas. We have never left Lily before and I am feeling a little uneasy but big brother will be home with her and I know he will look after his baby sister. What great kids I am blessed with. I am truly lucky. I've also put my birthday wish into the wish fairy and I'm anxiously awaiting an answer. Keep your fingers crossed that I get my wish.
And finally I have a sneak peek for you of some of my artwork for April's
Paper Posies Kit.
I love love love this kit! I know I always say that but this kit is so full of scrappy goodness! If you are shopping for the hottest products and the most bang for you buck then look no further. Paper Posies is an amazing kit club to belong to.
I hope you are having a fantastic weekend with your family and friends. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and to all you sweet friends that leave me comments. I read and appreciate every single one!